Deepwater horizon filme, Глубоководный горизонт (2016) HD Rezka

Deepwater horizon filme

Реально рыдала. Вот так вот природу губят заокеанские балбесы! Может кто подскажет, что в моей системе не так? Фильмов-катастроф - масса. Нормальный фильм!

Mark Wahlberg leads an all-star cast in this unforgettably powerful film inspired by a thrilling story of real-life heroes. For the one hundred and twenty-six people aboard the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig, April 20, , began like any normal day.

Deepwater horizon filme

Deepwater Horizon reveals the brave acts of the men and women who rose to the challenge—and risked everything to lead others to safety. This movie is based on lies about the BP oilspill. These people, including Mark Wahlberg, made a Anti-capitalist propaganda film to make idiots like my mom believe that it was the fault of those executives at the company. Here are the facts: 1. You can not blame an industry for all the social ills we have because that is ignorant.

Deepwater horizon filme

Capitalism is the only Economic system that works. So before you go into a movie based on lies and nonsense like this movie, please do your research before you believe the lies that have been presented in this movie. Greed is Good.

Deepwater horizon filme

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Patriots Day(Full Movie)!!!

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Deepwater horizon filme

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Deepwater Horizon (2016) The Well Blows Out HD 1 of 2

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Deepwater horizon filme